What The Bible Demands of Rich Christians

wealthyBefore you decide this post doesn’t apply to you consider what follows.

If your annual take-home pay is $30,000, you are in the top 1% in terms of income in the world.

In other words, you are rich.

If this news doesn’t thrill you, it’s probably because you live in one of the wealthier countries in the world, which doesn’t mean you are not rich; it only means you may not feel rich because you are surrounded by people who are richer.

If you live in the United States of America and you earn $200,000/year you are in the top 5% in terms of income in the country. Even by American standards, you are rich. Continue reading “What The Bible Demands of Rich Christians”

A Reason to Work

Boring JobLast year I blogged a series on the nature of work.

My goal in that series was to challenge people to adopt a new paradigm of work.

I wrote about how work is a holy endeavor and that God is and has always been a worker.

I wrote about how the Fall of Man changed work, how the Law of God commanded work and how that law was a reflection of its Author.

My goal was to deal with the subject of work on a fundamental theological level. What I didn’t address were the practical reasons why we should want to work.

If I were to ask most people, even most Christians, why they should work, they would say things like, “to make money,” “to provide for my family,” or “to pay my bills.” All those are valid reasons to work, but what struck me yesterday while reading The Book of Acts was how the reason the Apostle Paul gave for working contrasted so sharply with all these other reasons.

Continue reading “A Reason to Work”

How Much Does God Care?

SparrowI’m sitting out by the pool today and I see something floating in the pool.

We had a lot of rain and wind last night so I assumed it was bark that had blown off the palm trees and fallen in the pool.

But as I got closer I saw this object had two little legs and two wings.

It was a little sad to wonder how the bird met his demise and ended up in our pool, but I have to admit I didn’t care all that much. I should probably care more than I do, although I do care more than I used to, which I suppose is a good thing. But I’m guessing my level of concern, or rather lack of it, is pretty common. Continue reading “How Much Does God Care?”

Hearing His Voice

HearingI was changing out of my suit and into a t-shirt tonight and saw myself in the mirror.

What caught my eye was the size of my right bicep.

You see, I’ve been lifting weights consistently for a year now and there is some real definition there, not enough to impress anybody else, but enough for me to notice.

So before I put my shirt on I went in to the kitchen, shirt in hand, flexed my right bicep and asked my wife if she noticed anything.

She said sarcastically, “Is there a hole in the shirt?” Continue reading “Hearing His Voice”

Marital Advice From A Polygamist

wedding ringsSolomon was a smart guy.

But when it came to sex and marriage, his wisdom came not from reason but the hard way, from experience…a lot of experience.

You see Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.

And not just that, but he loved many foreign women: Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian and Hittite women. 

He even had the daughter of Pharaoh.

Solomon had so many exotic women it would make  [the original] Captain Kirk blush. Continue reading “Marital Advice From A Polygamist”