Why God Is Not Fair

Fair-Versus-UnfairMy parents bought bicycles for me and my brother for our tenth birthdays. My brother is 10 months older than me, so he got his–a brand new red one–first.

When my birthday arrived, my expectations were high. I can still remember my disappointment when instead of a new bike, I receive a used Schwinn. It wasn’t fair.

When Jesus appeared to His disciples for the third time after His resurrection Jesus asked Peter if he loved Him more than the other disciples. Peter said he did. Jesus then told Peter that when he was old he would be taken into custody and put to death. Peter then looked around and saw the disciple, John, and asked Jesus if John would get the same fate. Jesus responded, “If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me!” John 21:18;22. Continue reading “Why God Is Not Fair”