Alesund, Norway is one of the most beautiful towns I’ve ever seen.
It sits on a peninsula among a number of islands connected by tunnels under the water.
Apparently they did not want the eyesore of bridges obscuring the natural beauty of the islands and water.
The desire for beauty above mere functionality is a Kingdom impulse.
“Out of the ground the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food” Gen. 2:9 (emphasis added). The place God created for Adam and Eve was beautiful first and then functional. We have it backwards. We build for functionality and beauty is often an afterthought, if even that.
We took an excursion out to Giske island this morning in search of Rollo the Viking. Rollo (c. 860-c. 930 A.D.) , like most Vikings of his age, was a pagan raider, raiding villages in Europe and England and looting churches. He even attacked Paris via the Seine (885-886 A.D.). Continue reading “Viking Travel Journal––Day 7”