And in the world, as Jesus promised, you will have trials and tribulation.
Trials and tribulation come through things like sickness and disease, sinful people (which we all are) who hurt one another and so-called “natural” disasters (which are actually unnatural convulsions of a nature corrupted by the effect of man’s sin).
The good news for Christians is that trials and tribulation are used by God for good in our lives.
The Apostle Peter said to rejoice when you encounter trials. (I Peter 1:6) James said “Blessed is a man who perseveres under trial…” (James 1:12). Christians are told to rejoice when they encounter trials because The Lord uses trials to make Christians more like the perfect character of Jesus. (James 1:2-4).
There is probably no great revelation in all that for you if you are a Christian. You’ve probably heard it before, but I don’t think the irony and paradoxical nature of this had ever dawned on me until this morning.
I’m referring to the fact that God has used the fallenness of His creation to perfect His fallen creation.
It’s a great paradox, and it’s something to think about. GS
Perhaps this is the significance of Job’s statement that “yet even in my flesh, I shall see God”?
Maybe so. Never considered that before. Thanks for the comment.