Why Your Eschatology Matters

You’ve heard the joke:  “Q: Are you premillennial, postmillennial or amillennial? A: I’m panmillennial; I think it will all pan out in the end.”

Besides its use as Sunday morning sermon humor, the joke is used to suggest it really doesn’t matter what you believe about the end times. Nothing could be further from the truth.

If the weatherman says its going to rain tomorrow would you plan a picnic? If you knew it didn’t matter how hard you worked at your job, that you would never be promoted or receive a raise and would ultimately be terminated, how hard would you work? Continue reading “Why Your Eschatology Matters”

The Meaning Of Christmas Lights

What do you think of when you see Christmas lights?

Light is a powerful symbol and is used often in the Bible, particulary in the New Testament and more particularly in reference to Jesus.

When Simeon took the baby Jesus into his arms, he blessed God for the child, whom he said would be “a light of revelation to the Gentiles.”

The apostle John referred to Jesus as the “Light” that “shines in the darkness” and which “coming into the world, enlightens every man.”  (John 1:5, 9).  Jesus said, “While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 9:5). Continue reading “The Meaning Of Christmas Lights”

Why Good Pastors Are Concerned About Offerings And Attendance

Have you ever wondered why pastors seem so concerned about offerings and attendance? If you are close to your pastor, you may have heard him ask after a service about the offering or attendance. Maybe you thought him unspiritual for doing so. After all, shouldn’t he be more concerned with the presence of God in the service or whether the sermon was anointed?

Most good pastors are very interested in offerings and attendance, and for good reason. The truth is there is no better objective criteria for gaging the health of a local church than whether it’s people are consistently showing up and giving. Continue reading “Why Good Pastors Are Concerned About Offerings And Attendance”

A Tip On Achieving Excellence

I’m hardwired as a disciplined learner.  It’s the way I was created.

As a result, I’ve been able to learn to do a number of different things competently, not because I’m naturally skilled at them but because I’ve ascertained the fundamentals then diligently practiced them.

Malcolm Gladwell in his book, Outliers, makes a compelling case for “The 10,000 Hour Rule,” in which he asserts if you practice anything for 10,000 hours you will become excellent, even if you are not naturally gifted for it. Continue reading “A Tip On Achieving Excellence”

Why You Should Care About The College Campus

I spent the last two evenings on a college campus. My church had an outreach on a major university in our city.  We had free food and gave raffle tickets to those who came.  They got an additional raffle ticket for every guest they brought the second night.

The second night (last night) our church’s worship team provided live music, followed by a dynamic speaker who preached the Gospel in a very relevant, non-religious message that really hit home.  After the message, we raffled off an iPad.

On both nights we met the students, began building relationships with them and encouraged them to get in a Bible study with our campus minister.  What we were doing was very strategic and very Kingdom.

First, 95% of all people who become Christians do so by the age of 25.  So, we are fishing where the fish are.  My wife and I give monthly financial support to a number of campus ministers around the country.  We do so because we want to get the most bang for our buck in seeing lives changed and the kingdom of God grow, which leads to point #2.

Second, nearly all of tomorrow’s leaders are on the college campus today.  Whether it be leaders in business, government, the arts, media or professional athletics, most of them come through the college system.  We want to reach them before their worldviews are set in stone and their hearts are too hard to receive the Gospel.

Third, the international students who are on American campuses are likely to become leaders in their own countries. Good luck trying to reach them with the Gospel once they become the king or prime minster of the country.  We reach them now.

In short, we believe if we can change the campus we will change the world.

If you are a Kingdom person, a world-changer for King Jesus, consider the college campus.  GS