The Kingdom Metaphor

The administration by which God has chosen to rule and reconcile creation is unique.  Because there has only been one such administration, the problem the Lord faced was how best to communicate its existence to people who had no concept of it.  Imagine, for example, tring to communicate the idea of an airplane to a people who had never seen one.  The best one can do with something no one has ever seen before is to describe it.  Names are not helpful because they only have meaning associated with a known object.  

One way to communicate descriptive information is by means of a metaphor. Through a metaphor one can describe something previously unknown by using something known.  Metaphors also have the benefit of communicating a package of information by picture or story that would be burdensome if not impossible to convey by mere description. 

Choosing a good metaphor necessarily requires an understanding of the thing being described and the comparative thing so that one can know which metaphor is most analogous.   One must also understand one’s audience to know what metaphor is best understood by the audience.  Otherwise, one may choose a metaphor that gives the wrong impression when viewed in light of the experience of the audience.  

People choose metaphors from their own limited pool of knowledge and experience.  The Lord does not suffer from such limitations.  We can rest assured that when the Lord chooses a metaphor, He has chosen for us the metaphor which paints the best and most accurate picture of that which is being described.  We can know then when Jesus sought to describe this thing He called “the kingdom,” He chose the most accurate metaphor possible. 

Taking this a logical step further, this also must mean there is something to learn about the kingdom of God by looking at earthly kingdoms.  By exploring components common to earthly kingdoms we can begin to understand the design of God’s kingdom. As with any metaphor though, at some point the comparison breaks down.  This cannot be avoided because the only way a metaphor could not break down is if the two things being compared were identical in all respects, in which case the metaphor would not be a metaphor but the thing it sought to describe. 

How do we know how far we can pursue the metaphor of the kingdom as an accurate description?  Certainly, the outside boundary must be the point where the metaphor contradicts scripture.  That does not mean anything short of contradicting scripture is accurate though because the metaphor may lead us to a conclusion that is not contradicted by scripture but is not specifically supported in scripture.  Any conclusion we might draw about the kingdom of God at that point may be true, but we could not be sure.  Where the metaphor leads to a conclusion supported by scripture though, we can know we stand on solid ground. 

I mention all this because much of what you read in this blog will flow from the presupposition of the kingdom metaphor.  See, for example.  2 Benefits of Kingdom Citizenship, How King Jesus Rules and The Role of Citizenship in the Kingdom.  So, next time you read in the Bible Jesus using the word “kingdom,” recognize He is describing something; He is providing information to you about the administration by which He rules the earth.

2 Benefits of Kingdom Citizenship

I’m a citizen of the United States of America.  Unfortunately, it’s something I too often take for granted.  There are benefits to citizenship.  Citzenship in the kingdom of God comes with certain benefits too.  Here are two of them:

1.  Delegated authority.  In earthly kingdoms, the status of citizenship is necessary to identify  persons who will be loyal to the king so the king can know with whom he can share power.  In the Roman Empire one had to be a citizen to vote and hold political office.  In Ancient Greece one had to be a citizen of their city-state to participate in the Assembly that met to make decisions regarding the affairs of state.  In modern democracies one must be a citizen to vote or participate in governing the kingdom.  This is not by mere coincidence.  Citizenship helps identify those who are loyal to the king, and the king needs to know who is loyal so he can know to whom he can delegate authority.

It’s no different in the kingdom of God.  Citizenship in the kingdom is reserved for those who have been born again (John 3:5-8) and have believed and confessed Jesus’ Lordship over their lives. (Rom. 10:9).  One who is not born of the Spirit cannot hear the voice of the King who rules from the spirit realm.  And one who has not acknowledged Jesus’ Lordship is not likely to obey what King Jesus orders.  So, both are necessary.  God is not parsimonious about sharing rulership with those who serve Him, but one must be a citizen to be delegated authority from the King.

2.     Inheritance rights.  The kingdom of God has both a spiritual and earthly dimension and is woven seamlessly into the fabric of realty.  When one is born again, one becomes a citizen of the kingdom, with full privileges in both the spiritual and earthly realms and can begin to function in both. One who is birthed spiritually gains entrance to the spiritual part of the kingdom as well as the earthly part of it.  Because the kingdom has a spiritual dimension, when a citizen of the kingdom dies he continues in eternal life in the spiritual realm of the kingdom known as heaven.  By contrast those who are not citizens of the kingdom, do not inherit the kingdom at their death.  Cf  1 Cor. 6:9 (“Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God?”).  Although they can live under the covering of the kingdom of God while on earth, at death they do not inherit, but are taken out of the kingdom.  (Matthew 13:30, 49).

Too many Christians only consider their inheritance rights, never realizing that a citizen of the kingdom of God they can also share in the delegated authority of King Jesus.  GS

How King Jesus Rules

Authority, not power, is the primary means by which earthly rulers rule.  Confusion arises because the terms power and authority are often used interchangeably, when they are in fact two very different things.  Power is brute force.  Power is physically enforcing one’s will on another person or thing.  When an army overtakes a city it does so by power.  When a boxer defeats another boxer in the ring, he does so by power.  Earthly rulers, however, do not rule primarily by power, but by authority.

Think about your own life, if you are like most people you have lived a law-abiding life even though you have never been compelled by force to do so.  You arrive at work by a certain time each day, not because someone physically forces you to but because someone with authority at work, your supervisor or the owner, told you to do so.  You obey the parking lot attendant when he directs you to the right instead of the left, not because he forces you to but because he has authority over the parking lot.

When earthly kings rule they do so by delegating authority to subordinates, who delegate that authority to their subordinates, thereby lengthening the reach of the will of the king.  A king appoints a minister of defense and gives him authority over the military forces of the country.  The military forces must then obey the minister of defense as they would the king.  And so it goes for each department under the king.

Delegated authority has one very important condition: delegated authority only extends the rule of the king if those to whom the king delegates authority are obedient to the king.  A minister of defense who initiates a war contrary to the instructions of the king has not extended the rule of the king, but his own.  Implicit in the delegation of authority is the condition that that authority will be used to carry out the will of the king.  To the extent the subordinate uses that authority to do his own will, he has perpetrated a fraud, representing to the world by his office that he is promoting the will of the king when he is promoting his own.

These same principles apply in the kingdom of God.  Jesus also rules (though not exclusively) through delegated authority.  Just before Jesus ascended into heaven He reminded His disciples, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth.”  Matthew 28:18. Jesus’ words confirm He has been given all the authority necessary to rule and fulfill His role as King of the kingdom of God.   But as a general rule, that authority is only exercised on the earth when those under Jesus’ delegated authority act in obedience to Him.

Think about this:  The Book of Hebrews says that after Jesus ascended into heaven “…He…sat down at the right hand of God, waiting from that time onward until His enemies be made a footstool for His feet.”  Hebrews 10:12-13. In I Corinthians the Apostle Paul makes a similar statement saying of Jesus that “…He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet.”  I Cor. 15:25.  Here’s the question: How can Jesus reign at the same time that He is waiting?  And how can Jesus put His enemies under His feet if He is in heaven? The answer:  By means of delegated authority.  Jesus is waiting, just as an earthly king waits after delegating the authority to subordinates, for His people to carry out his instructions on earth.

Jesus puts His enemies on earth under His feet in the same way an earthly king overcomes his kingdom’s enemies—by delegating authority to others to accomplish His will.  Not only has He chosen to do so, but He has chosen gladly to do so. Luke 12:32.

Kingdom History: 1453-1455

For 1,000 years Constantinople was the capital of Christianity. It was the repository for Christian treasures, tradition and literature, including the Scripture. Then, in 1453, the Muslim Turks captured Constantinople, ending a millennium of Christian rule. Many Christians thought it a sign of the end of the world. How could it be anything other than that?

At the same time, halfway across Europe in a city named Mainz, Johannes Gutenberg was perfecting his new invention, the printing press. And in 1455, he would produce the first Bible by means of a printing press, the so-called Gutenberg Bible. The printing press, certainly one of the most important inventions in the history of mankind, would eventually make books, particularly the Bible, affordable for the common man. As a result, the printing press was the sina qua non of the Reformation.

God is the Great Auteur of history. The sacking of Constantinople by the Muslims left Christians inconsolable. They wondered how their God could permit such a travesty, and yet, the Lord had something greater in mind, the decentralization of Christianity through the propogation of the Word of God, which would eventually advance the kingdom of God to the ends of the earth. The Lord knew the kingdom of God does not need a centralized earthly administration because its King administrates in the hearts of man.

Seeking First The Kingdom

Matthew 6:33 has, for many years, been a foundational scripture for me, not just because it demands the kingdom be a priority in my life, but because it frames a balance as well. Jesus states that Christians are to seek first the kingdom and His righteousness.  I read that to mean Christians are to be focused on two things: 1) the expansion of the kingdom of God on earth; and 2) personal sanctification.

The priority is obvious. It’s the balance I want to explore here. If Christians focused on the expansion of the kingdom of God and ignored sanctification, they would quickly become seen as dominion-seeking bullies. If Christians focused only on personal sanctification to the exclusion of the expansion of the kingdom, they would become ineffective pietests. Jesus makes it clear both are to be a priority to the exclusion of neither.

Kingdom-building and sanctification are not an either/or but a both/and proposition.  Keep these two at the very top of your list of priorities and you will be neither a bully nor a wimp, excessive nor ineffective.  GS