Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal—Day 3

Today we made our much anticipated trip to Lindisfarne. Lindisfarne is a tidal island connected to the mainland of the northeastern coast of England by a causeway only accessible twice a day when the tidewaters recede. By the time the Romans left England in 420 A.D. Christianity had arrived but just barely. The Romans’ leaving … Continue reading “Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal—Day 3”

Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal—Day 2

Can toddlers have demons? This is the theological question I pondered during our flight yesterday, as toddlers sitting on their nannies’s laps, screamed at the top of their lungs for 15-20 minutes as our plane made its descent. This was not mere crying, mind you, but sustained, blood-curdling, full-throated screaming. Because I only saw nannies and … Continue reading “Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal—Day 2”

Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal—Day 1

The Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal is officially underway. And there is already a mild rebellion in the camp. As I mentioned in the prior post, Ann had ignored the reading list early but because I gave her an Amazon gift card for her birthday a few months ago, she felt compelled to at least buy the … Continue reading “Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal—Day 1”

Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal—Introduction

I know it sounds crazy, but the GSB team is headed back to Scotland. Those of you who follow this blog know that just a little over two months ago we journeyed to England and Scotland to see the sights and explore the Christian history of both nations. Well, regular GSB team member, Ann, was … Continue reading “Scotch-Irish Cruise Journal—Introduction”

Early Christian, Medieval Travel Journal-Day 13

Today was a travel day. We packed up and checked out of our rooms at the Ville San Michele and then sat around and talked, and ate, and drank, and talked some more, until our driver picked us up at 3:30 p.m. to drive us back to Rome. The drive through the Italian countryside was … Continue reading “Early Christian, Medieval Travel Journal-Day 13”