“Then it happened in the spring, at the time when kings go out to battle, that David sent Joab and his servants with him and all Israel…But David stayed at Jerusalem.” (2 Sam. 11:1).
You probably know what happens next. David engages in the 1000 B.C. version of watching porn (roof-gazing), gets to know Bathsheba in the Biblical sense, and then has her husband killed.
This was the worst series of events in David’s life, and on top of that it all got written down so people for the last 3,000 years could read what he did and lawyers masquerading as bloggers could blog on it.
This is not something one would hope for, but it all started because at the time when kings go out to battle David stayed home where it was safe and comfortable. David was a king. His calling was on the battlefield leading his people. When David stepped out of his calling, he stepped into temptation.
If you are a Christian, your destiny is like a flowing river. Sometimes you will be tempted to step out of it onto the shore just to get your feet dry for a little while, but when you do, you can never step back in at the same place because the water you stepped out of has moved on, and worse, what waits on the shore is your anti-calling, all the temptations that would lead you away from the river.
Don’t sacrifice your calling for comfort. GS