A Post-Christmas Message

empty-mangerOn Christmas Eve I was reading the Christmas story in Matthew and Luke, and I saw something I had never seen.

An angel appeared to the shepherds in the field and told them a Savior had been born and where to find Him. (Luke 2:8-18).

The Shepherds do what any of us would have done: they go to try to find Him.

They find Him, and Luke says this about what happens next:

“When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had ben told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart.”

(Luke 2:16-19). Continue reading “A Post-Christmas Message”

News Flash: Mayans Wrong About Apocalypse!

chichenitzaShocking I know, but the world did not end yesterday.

The Mayan’s missed it, just like Harold Camping, Edgar Whisenant, Marshall Applewhite, and every one else who has predicted the end of the world.

At least this time it wasn’t Christians sounding the false alarm. We’ve at least got that going for us. Unfortunately, I’m sure there will be others, and they will always be wrong.

Before He ascended, Jesus’ disciples asked when Jesus was going to restore the kingdom to Israel.

The question was flawed, but rather than address that, Jesus used it to make a point and then refocus the disciples on what they should be concerned about:

Continue reading “News Flash: Mayans Wrong About Apocalypse!”

A Contrast of Gods

Over the last six days, Muslims around the world have taken to the streets, retaliating with violence and murder in response to a film that criticizes the founder of their religion.

Secular Westerners are struggling to understand what can possibly motivate human beings to respond in such a way to a film.

Whatever these recent events may say about the relationship between Muslim countries and the United States of America or United States foreign policy, they provide a vivid contrast between gods.

As I was praying before church today, I was reminded of the following verses from the Bible: Continue reading “A Contrast of Gods”

Do This If You Want to Know Jesus Better

I sometimes hear people say if they only knew Jesus better they would be more obedient.

They seek intimacy to be more obedient. This used to make sense to me. Now I know better.

Truth does not stand on the street corner offering herself to every idle by-passer. She lurks in the shadows waiting to be found by those who would search for her.

Some truths are counter-intuitive; they are not apparent or discoverable by commons sense or logic. That is why we we need revelation. That is why the Bible is necessary.

We think if we knew Jesus better we would be more obedient, but the truth is the opposite, and we would likely not discover it but for God’s revelation through Jesus’ words recorded in the Bible.

Continue reading “Do This If You Want to Know Jesus Better”