Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—3


Same-sex marriage is here for the present in America.

The question is where does it go from here?

There are at least four possibilities for America.

One possibility is that same-sex marriage becomes generally accepted and those who oppose it become more isolated and marginalized. Along with that will come other consequences.  The Apostle Paul will be labeled a homophobe and the Old Testament considered largely irrelevant–how can a God who gives his nation homophobic laws be considered relevant in a society that accepts same-sex marriage as normative? Continue reading “Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—3”

Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—2

lgbt_american_flagsIn the previous post I attempted to provide some perspective following the Supreme Court’s recent decision on same-sex marriage.

Still, I suspect there are those who agree with my assessment from a Kingdom perspective but are devastated by the belief that by this Supreme Court decision America has crossed a line and is no longer a Christian nation.

I don’t see the Obergefell decision as a turning point but a confirmation. America has not been a Christian nation—if there is such a thing—for a very long time. Continue reading “Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—2”

The Irony Of Labor Day

honor laborIt has always seemed ironic to me that we celebrate Labor Day by not working.

I’m not saying we should work on Labor Day–I enjoy a day off as much as the next person–I’m just saying it’s ironic.

Of course Labor Day is not a celebration of work but a holiday established to recognize the contribution of the working man to American society, at least that’s what we are told.

If you’re not an American, I should probably explain that the phrase “working man” does not include all workers. Although it most certainly includes women, in its traditional sense it does not include those in management. Confused yet?

Continue reading “The Irony Of Labor Day”

Joy To The World!

Joy to the World , the Lord is come!
Let earth receive her King;
Let every heart prepare Him room,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven and nature sing,
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.

Joy to the World, the Savior reigns!
Let men their songs employ;
While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat the sounding joy,
Repeat, repeat, the sounding joy.

Continue reading “Joy To The World!”

On Scrooge And Change

It has become a Christmas tradition for the wife and I to go to the local theater to see the play, A Christmas Carol.

Its message is as fresh each year as the first time I saw the play because the message of redemption and change never grows old. And Scrooge does change. Radically.

Tonight, while at the play, I began to think about why more Christians don’t see more change in their lives. After all, one of the best arguments for Christianity has always been a changed life. Yet change often comes imperceptibly slow or not at all, and not always because of a lack of trying.

There are five principal reasons people don’t change.

Continue reading “On Scrooge And Change”