The kingdom of God is functioning as it should when Christians in earthly positions of authority execute their responsibilities in those positions diligently, skillfully and ethically in obedience to King Jesus, who thereby reigns through that position. S. Truett Cathy is an excellent example of one who has used his position of authority to exercise the delegated authority of King Jesus.
Cathy opened a restaurant in the Atlanta, Georgia suburb of Hapeville in 1946, which has since multiplied and grown into the franchise known as Chick-fil-A. Cathy, a devout Christian who has taught Sunday School for more than forty years, made a decision before opening his first restaurant to honor the Sabbath and provide his employees Sundays off “to rest, spend time with family and friends, and worship if they choose to do so.” He has never wavered from that decision in any of his more than 1,300 restaurants.
The decision to forego profits one day out of every seven to purchase for one’s employees a day of rest demonstrates that Cathy values his employees more than profits. It is the sort of value choice King Jesus expects of business owners exercising His delegated authority in the kingdom of God, and it the sort of decision Jesus blesses. Check this out: Chick-fil-A, though operating only six days out of seven, in terms of revenue produced is now the second-largest fast-food chicken restaurant chain in the United States.
When Christians hold positions of authority and exercise that authority in obedience to Jesus, He is free to pour out His blessings so that all who are subordinate to that authority can enjoy the blessings of being on Kingdom territory. Whether those who work at Chick-fil-A are Christians or not, when they are at Chick-fil-A they are on Kingdom Territory, nesting under the branches of the tree that is the Kingdom of God. (Matt. 13:31-32). In such a place, even those who aren’t Christians experience the blessings of the rule of King Jesus.
So, hats off to Mr. Cathy. And, oh yeah, remember to “eat mor chikin.” GS