Announcement: Irish-Scotch Travel Journal

As the GSB team has done nearly every year for the past fifteen years, it will embark on a journey across the pond in search of Kingdom history. This year the destination is Ireland and Scotland.

Those of you who have faithfully followed this blog for years may be thinking, “Didn’t you already do an Irish-Scotch Travel Journal in 2018?” The answer is “No.” That was the Scotch-Irish Travel journal, consisting of a flight to Edinburgh, Scotland, and then a cruise from there to Dublin.

This is the “Irish-Scotch Travel Journal,” consisting of a flight into Dublin, Ireland and then a cruise from Dublin to Edinburgh. In the first adventure we traveled from east to west and this time we will travel from west to east. In the first trip we spent extra days in Scotland; in this trip we will spend extra days in Ireland.

If you are still thinking, “Yeah, but why?,” I would mention that The Wife wanted to, and that is good enough for me.

Besides The Wife, we will be joined by Ann, who we were grooming as the next head of the GSB Research Division until her failure to read from the book list to prepare for our trips lead to her demotion to a position as the Food and Wine Consultant, where she does not have to read the books and can drink as much as she wants.

If you have never followed one of the GSB Travel Journals, here is what you can expect. On our trip we will be mining the Christian history from the places we visit each day, and I will be posting here daily–at least that is the goal.

If you are a reader of devotionals, you should find this interesting. This will be essentially a travel devotional, where you travel vicariously with us into history to see how the sovereign hand of God and Christian men and woman brought about the expansion of the kingdom of God on earth. Most, if not all, posts will also draw on the Bible, as well as lessons and insight from history you can apply in your life.

In short, it is opportunity for you each day to get away for a few minutes, get with God, and hopefully have a few laughs along the way. We start tomorrow. See you then. GS

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