3 Reasons Christians Don’t Live in Victory over Sin

I’ve always had a high view of the power of the Holy Spirit to enable Christians to live in victory over sin. There is plenty of scripture to demonstrate that those who have been born again and filled with the Holy Spirit have the power to resist sin.

The Apostle Paul said that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead resides in Christians. So, why would I think that Spirit could raise Jesus from the dead but not be powerful enough to enable me to resist sin? Or, why would I think the power of the fall of man was more powerful than the resurrection of Jesus?

That born again, Spirit-filled Christians have the power to live in victory over sin, frankly, should be fundamental and axiomatic. The more interesting question is, “If Christians have the power to live in victory over sin, why don’t they?” I think there are three primary reasons:

1. We don’t believe. Romans 12:2 says, “. . . . be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Transformation begins with believing transformation is possible. The reality is that if you do not think you can resist sin, you will give into it. People aren’t transformed because they have been misinformed.

2. We quench the Spirit. I Thessalonians 5:19 says, “Do not quench the Spirit.” Short, sweet, and to the point. Don’t do it. Yes, if you have been baptized in the Holy Spirit, the Spirit lives in you, but you can quench the Spirit. It is like building a campfire that is burning hot; if you start throwing dirt on it you can quench it, and if you keep throwing dirt on it only embers will remain.

3. We develop spiritual strongholds. We can camp out in sin, bitterness, and unforgiveness long enough that we attract and invite demonic strongholds into our lives. Now it is no longer a temptation from outside of me but one that is raging within. Spiritual strongholds must then be broken through prayer, fasting, and deliverance.

The good news is all these can be overcome. Thanks be to Jesus, we change our thinking, we can be intentional about not quenching the Holy Spirit, and the strongholds in our lives can be broken. GS

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