Top 10 GOK Blog Posts Of 2010


I’ve been blogging here since mid-May 2010, and because we are now at the last day of the year, I thought it appropriate to take a look back at the top 10 GOK blog posts of the year, as determined by you. If you didn’t realize it, you voted with your mouse.

1. Should I Not Have Done That?

What better evidence that Seinfeld is life than that the most popular blog post on a Christian blog is based on a Seinfeld episode?

2. On Intolerance

Why intolerance is necessary.

3. Book Burning And Terrorism

Koran-burners and terrorists may have more in common than they care to admit.

4. Wisdom From Wilberforce

Advice on how to enjoy life to the fullest from the man who helped end the slave trade in Great Britain.

5. Old Testament Leadership Examples

How Old Testament leaders changed their world through the use of influence rather than authority.

6. Tiberius Caesar On King Jesus

A story you’ve probably never heard on what the Roman emperor did when he heard about Jesus from Pontius Pilate.

7. On The Origin Of The Christmas Tree

The rest of the story on the origin of the Christmas tree.

8. Kingdom History:  1000 A.D.

Do you think the end of the world is near? Check out what Christians at the end of the first millennium were facing and how a generation can change the course of history.

9. iMac And iChange

Sometimes the best path to change is the hard one.

10. Why Tiger Woods Shouldn’t Take Advice From The Dalai Lama

One of my personal favorites, best appreciated if you’ve seen the movie Caddyshack.

So there they are, your ten favorites. Thanks for taking the time to read what I’ve written in 2010. I hope it has encouraged you, strengthened your confidence in King Jesus and His kingdom, and made your laugh a little.

Until next year…. GS

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