How To Not Commit Adultery

Adultery is an unpleasant subject.

The secular world, attempting to assuage its collective conscious, deals with this unpleasant subject by calling it “an affair.”

An “affair,” you see, is trivial, a mere fling. Nothing to see here. Move along.

True Jesus-followers are usually savvy enough to avoid this secular word play and see it for what it is—an attempt to render amoral one of the most destructive relational acts known to man by a linguistic slight of hand. But then they often make a different mistake, a mistake which is equally offensive to the Truth.

That mistake is calling the process that results in infidelity as “falling into adultery.” I suspect they do this to not sound judgmental toward the adulterer. “You see, he didn’t really mean to hurt anyone. He fell into adultery.”

The problem here is that people do not “fall into adultery.” People fall into manholes; they commit adultery.  Continue reading “How To Not Commit Adultery”

Las Vegas Shooter Was a Loner

In Genesis, Chapter 3, the Lord said, “It is not good for the man to be alone.”

It’s almost as if the Lord was getting this truth out on the table early, right there in the third chapter of the first book.

“I’m a rebel Dottie, a loner. You don’t want to get messed up with a guy like me.”

These are the words of Pee-Wee Herman (not be confused with Tom Herman) from that classic flick, Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure.

Pee-Wee’s words ring as true today as they did in 1985. You don’t want to get messed up with a  loner; more importantly you don’t want to be a loner. The last we heard of Pee-Wee, he was alone in the back of a movie theater in the dark doing . . . . well . . . . well, look it up. It is not good for man to be alone.

Continue reading “Las Vegas Shooter Was a Loner”

Interpreting Hurricanes

On August 26, 2017, I wrote about the recent eclipse.

I ended the post by stating that because we can now predict when eclipses will occur that the Lord probably does not use them as signs anymore.

Instead I suggested that the Lord probably used arbitrary, unpredictable natural events such as hurricanes.

Interestingly, over the past few weeks, beginning the day after that blog post, I have had a front row seat of the flooding in Houston, Texas as a result of Hurricane Harvey.

I watched the fourth largest city in the U.S. get as much rain in four days as it typically get in a year. I watched as people lost everything they had in a flood experts said should only happen once in every 800 years. I also watched as churches gave money, their time, and their labor to help the victims of this natural disaster.

So, the question arises, “Was Hurricane Harvey some form of judgment?” The answer is I don’t know know, but I don’t think it matters whether we know or not. It doesn’t matter because what this disaster has done has had the same effect as if it was judgment. Continue reading “Interpreting Hurricanes”

Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—3


Same-sex marriage is here for the present in America.

The question is where does it go from here?

There are at least four possibilities for America.

One possibility is that same-sex marriage becomes generally accepted and those who oppose it become more isolated and marginalized. Along with that will come other consequences.  The Apostle Paul will be labeled a homophobe and the Old Testament considered largely irrelevant–how can a God who gives his nation homophobic laws be considered relevant in a society that accepts same-sex marriage as normative? Continue reading “Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—3”

Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—2

lgbt_american_flagsIn the previous post I attempted to provide some perspective following the Supreme Court’s recent decision on same-sex marriage.

Still, I suspect there are those who agree with my assessment from a Kingdom perspective but are devastated by the belief that by this Supreme Court decision America has crossed a line and is no longer a Christian nation.

I don’t see the Obergefell decision as a turning point but a confirmation. America has not been a Christian nation—if there is such a thing—for a very long time. Continue reading “Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—2”