Irish-Scotch Travel Journal – Epilogue

Walls – “some of the best evidence we live in a fallen world.”

After another delayed flight and misplaced piece of luggage, we arrived home in the dark early morning hours. We were tired but, as always, glad to be home. That the trip home included airline logistical problems added a strange symmetry to our journey, but perhaps it was fitting.

We don’t always know what themes will develop on our journeys, even when they are planned around certain historical figures or events, and this one was no different. In retrospect it is clear this one was about evangelism and walls.

The historical figures we came across each day were like a dream team of disciple-makers: Patrick, Columba, Maughold, Aiden, and Cuthbert. King Jesus used Patrick to remake Ireland into Kingdom-territory, and then He did the same with Maghhold on the Isle of Man, Columba in Scotland, and Aiden and Cuthbert in Northeastern England.

Studying these Kingdom heroes seemed to inspire our group, as when Ann spoke to our taxi driver in Dublin about the Lord, and The Wife and I shared about the Lord with our taxi driver on the Isle of Man.

And then there were the walls. The first walls we saw were those in Londonderry, built in the early seventeenth century but becoming even more iconic during The Troubles of 1968-1972.

The most famous wall was Hadrian’s. As I mentioned in a post, walls are some of the best evidence we live in a fallen world. Walls are designed to keep people separated from one another. Emperor Hadrian built his wall in 122 A.D. after giving up on defeating the vicious pagan Picts in what is now Scotland.

Fittingly, Hadrian’s wall has been all but dismantled now, not just through the pillaging of people but through the presence of the gospel. The Romans could not tame the Picts so they built a wall. Columba introduced them to the gospel and there was no longer a need for a wall.

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Irish-Scotch Travel Journal Day – 14

Causeway to Lindisfarne

To continue the story about Oswald from yesterday’s post, Oswald went to battle against King Cadwallon at Heavenfield, near Hadrian’s Wall. Oswald was significantly outnumbered, so he installed a great wooden cross in the his camp and called his men together to pray for victory.

After he prevailed at Heavenfield, Oswald became king of Northumbria. He then sent to Iona to ask that they send him a bishop for his newly acquired kingdom. They sent Aiden. Aiden did not know the language of Northumbria, but Oswald having been raised at Iona knew both languages. Wo when Aiden preached Oswald would translate his sermons so people could understand the gospel.

Aiden also established the monastery at Lindisfarne, a tidal island only accessible when the tide goes out. As we approached Lindisfarne this rainy day we saw numerous pilgrims walking along the road to the causeway in their rain gear to cross on foot. As we drove by them, I’m sure some judged us for accessing the island with the help of a Vauxhall automobile, but I’m pretty sure Aiden wasn’t wearing Gore-Tex either.

Because we had been to Lindisfarne, we didn’t spend too much time at the ruins of the 12th century abbey, although we did find a stone monument there marking where Cuthbert was originally buried. We also walked to the shore to get a good look at Cuthbert’s Island, a tiny island off the southern coast of Lindisfarne to which Cuthbert would retreat to be alone with God.

The now grass covered beach (behind the trees) where the Vikings landed in 793 A.D.

Next, we walked back around the other side of the abbey to the bay where the Vikings murdered the Lindisfarne monks in 793 A.D., marking the start of 200 years of Viking terrorism on and domination of Britannia. The coastline had since receded and been covered with grass, but we could still see the contours of what used to be the beach where it had happened.

Lunch and the warm, dry setting of a pub were welcome after hiking in the cold, wind, and rain, but before long I was chomping at the bit to get moving. I tried to hurry the rest of the team without putting too much pressure in the system. We still had to get to Heavenfield.

We exited the causeway without doing anything sign worthy in search of Cuthbert’s cave and armed with some sketchy directions from a tour guide at Lindisfarne, which included a reminder to take one turn where there is no longer a sign for Cuthbert’s cave. Not a good sign.

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Irish-Scotch Travel Journal Day – 13

Bamburgh Castle

It was time to get off the ship today, literally and figuratively. The servers have noticed I’m the only one who comes to breakfast with his laptop and almost always orders water, even for dinner.

I told one of the servers the first day that like a finely tuned Ferrari, you couldn’t put just anything in this gas tank. Then this morning at breakfast when I ordered water again, the server gave me a look that was something between sarcastic and dismissive. The honeymoon is apparently over.

I offered different itineraries to the team today, all of which was more ambitious than what we settled on, but in the end Bamburgh Castle was what they wanted to see. So, that is where we went.

In fairness to The Wife, we arrived here a little late in the day on our 2018 tour, and the castle had already closed. She had wanted to come back to see what she had missed.

So, we rented a car in Edinburgh. The Avis agent asked me if I could drive a stick shift. I thought, “Is the Pope Catholic? Can Lewis Hamilton drive an F1 car?” But then I thought he might not know if the Pope was Catholic or who Lewis Hamilton is, so I settled on “Yes.”

When we settled on Bramburg Castle, I did require a moment of group prayer where we asked the Lord to guide us if He wanted us to see any other sites on our drive today. I think the Lord likes such prayers, and the more we invite Him into our lives the more we will experience His presence.

A little more than halfway to our destination, I saw a sign pointing left for a golf course I had never heard of. We were near the coast of the North Sea and I thought it had to be a links course, so I suddenly turned left off the generous two lane road, down a little single lane road into the country side.

When the group asked where we were headed, I told them I was following the lead of the Holy Spirit. As it turned out, we got lost, never found the golf course, and had to retrace our steps back to the road we left. Ann insisted this was evidence I had not heard the Holy Spirit, but the Lord does not always lead us down paths with no challenges.

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Irish-Scotch Travel Journal Day – 12

Pictish stone carvings before and after conversion to Christianity

Sometimes one must take the bull by the horns, which I did today. With the cruise ship offering the obvious Loch Ness excursion where one is guaranteed not to see Nessie, or the trips to the nearby castles, which all start to look the same after a while, I had to craft our own bespoke excursion.

I did this with no little help from Chatgpt, which I have found incredibly useful on this trip. Granted, it sometimes makes mistakes and must be fact-checked, but on tasks like, “Prepare an itinerary for a 4-hour car tour leaving from and returning to Invergordon, Scotland that includes sites relevant to early Christian history,” it shines.

We thought we were just hiring a car and driver, and instead got a true Scotsman in a kilt and a large, black Mercedes. He was also an experienced and knowledgeable tour guide, who added some Scottish humor and local charm at the appropriate time.

He met us at the pier and drove us first to St. Duthus Church in Tain. Duthus (also Duthac) lived from 1000 A.D. to 1065 A.D., and was Bishop of Ross, the area of Scotland we were in today. He died in Tain, where the church we visited was raised in his honor.

A 13th century baptistry at St. Duthus Church, Tain.

The church is now only used as a meeting venue or concert hall. On the inside it looks more like a storage shed with stained glass. Oh, and there is a thirteenth century baptistry sitting in the corner, like a discarded wash bucket. In fact, it had a broom and dust pan sitting in it. In a country with so much history, such things can seem common place.

Also at a St. Duthus was a pre-Christian Celtic stone. We were told theories on its possible uses, given the numerous concave indentions ground into it. I thought mine the most credible: a board game.

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Irish-Scotch Travel Journal Day – 11

St Magnus Cathedral, Kirkwall, Orkney Islands

I’ve long had trouble with the labels “saint” and “martyr,” the former because it’s been used historically by churches in an unbiblical manner and the latter because It’s been used so broadly as to lose all significance. This blog long ago abandoned those labels for the phrase “Kingdom hero.”

It was both these labels that caused me some consternation with Saint Magnuson. Why was he made a saint? Because he was martyred. How was he martyred? He was killed by his cousin and joint-ruler Hakon who wanted to be sole ruler of Orkney. Why does that make him a martyr? Because Magnus was a good man.

So, I decided to go to the source: Orkneyinga Saga: The History of the Earls of Orkney, written within approximately 100 years of Magnus’s death. I’ve come to the conclusion Magnus was indeed a Kingdom hero. Magnus was co-ruler of the Orkney Islands for seven years (1110 -1117 A.D.). He loved God, was pious, just, and treated the rich and poor alike. And then there is this:

He was gentle and agreeable when talking to men of wisdom and goodwill but severe and uncompromising towards thieves and vikings putting to death most of the men who plundered the farms and other parts of the earldom. He had murderers and robbers arrested, and punished the rich no less than the poor for their robberies, raids and other transgressions.

Orkneyinga Saga, 45.

At this point, the culture of Orkney was likely still dominated by the Norse, i.e. the Vikings. Olaf Tragvasson had sent missionaries to Orkney just the century before, so I’m guessing Viking culture still existed in Orkney. Perhaps they were seen like cowboys in America, idealized and romanticized notalgically. That Magnus was so harsh on the very lifestyle that had once been the dominate culture of the Vikings shows Magnus was a man intent on ruling according the law of God rather than man.

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

Proverbs 9:10

Magnus lived his life in the fear of God rather than man, and that is what made him a great leader. He was not swayed by public opinion; he swayed it in accordance with the culture of the Kingdom. He called the people of Orkney to a higher standard and they and the Orkney Islands were better for it.

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