Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—3


Same-sex marriage is here for the present in America.

The question is where does it go from here?

There are at least four possibilities for America.

One possibility is that same-sex marriage becomes generally accepted and those who oppose it become more isolated and marginalized. Along with that will come other consequences.  The Apostle Paul will be labeled a homophobe and the Old Testament considered largely irrelevant–how can a God who gives his nation homophobic laws be considered relevant in a society that accepts same-sex marriage as normative? Continue reading “Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—3”

Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—2

lgbt_american_flagsIn the previous post I attempted to provide some perspective following the Supreme Court’s recent decision on same-sex marriage.

Still, I suspect there are those who agree with my assessment from a Kingdom perspective but are devastated by the belief that by this Supreme Court decision America has crossed a line and is no longer a Christian nation.

I don’t see the Obergefell decision as a turning point but a confirmation. America has not been a Christian nation—if there is such a thing—for a very long time. Continue reading “Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—2”

Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—1

lgbt_american_flagsWell, it’s been a week since five lawyers on the Supreme Court decided they had “new insight”—their words—that no society since the dawn of man has had and declared same sex marriage a constitutional right.

Predictably, many Christians, as they have erroneously done throughout history,  declared this the sign the end is near and that maybe Harold Camping was right after all.

Those who do so, though, have ignored the lessons of the past. Christians throughout history who have declared the end of the world near have a perfect record—they have been wrong every time. Those at the end of the first millennium who were convinced the end was near had a much better argument than those today, and not only were they wrong, but within fifty years the tide had completely turned. Continue reading “Same-Sex Marriage, America, and the Kingdom—1”

The Benefits of Halloween

StampaHalloween is this week.

It’s obviously a beloved holiday because Americans spend more money on Halloween than any other holiday except Christmas.

I’ve wondered in a past blog post whether those in the occult complain about the commercialization of Halloween like Christians do about Christmas.

I’ve written on the history of Halloween.

But as I thought about what I had written in the past, I wondered if maybe I had been too negative about this very popular holiday.

Therefore, in the spirit of being fair and balanced, I’ve decided to list some of the reasons for celebrating Halloween and wanting your children to participate.

Continue reading “The Benefits of Halloween”

Suicide Program Wins High Praise…They Think

suicide pill A physician-assisted suicide program in Seattle has won high praise from it’s patients.

In fact, not a single patient who has been assisted in killing himself has complained.

And, the authors of an article in the New England Journal of Medicine commended the program for the sense of control the pill provided it to its victims.

I guess I don’t get what all the hoopla is about. People have been killing themselves for thousands of years. I don’t know why giving people a prescription for pills to do the deed makes it any more dignified or gives people any more control than the other traditional methods of killing oneself.

Continue reading “Suicide Program Wins High Praise…They Think”