Our destination for the day was Rye. What is there in Rye related to the Christianization of England, you ask? Nothing, I say.
But certain members of the GSB team, having lost sight of our mission, wanted to visit the Rye Pottery factory, where they make collections of figurines based on themes like Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales and the Bayou Tapestry. I conceded, hoping my example of self-sacrifice would encourage a return to our itinerary or at least would heap burning coals on their heads.
Rye, though small, is a beautiful town and draws tourists and many from the the surrounding countryside. Those who come will find many antique shops and a castle. Those who come looking for Christian history will find many antique shops and a castle.
Asserting the principle of “Driver’s Discretion”-an obscure rule first mentioned in the Anglo Saxon Chronicles stating the driver of the automobile has the right over passengers to choose the route–I chose to drive back to Brighton along the coast through a town called Eastbourne only to avoid the same route I had already driven three times.
Then, to our surprise, on the way to Eastbourne, we nearly ran (literally –see pic below) into a castle at a town called Pevensy. Everyone demanded a stop to investigate.
It turned out this was the place William the Conqueror had landed in 1066. The town and its protective walls were built by the Romans fourth century, but William built the castle fortress inside the walls, overlooking the coast where he had landed. William was absent at Rye Pottery, but we found him in Pevensy.

Our discovery in Pevensy was one of the many “coincidences” that have happened to us on this journey, but it was a reminder of His favor in even the smallest things.
“No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly. O Lord of hosts, How blessed is the man who trusts in You!”
Psalm 84:11-12
Until tomorrow. GS