Some Kingdom Perspective On Taxes

taxesI don’t like taxes.

I don’t like calculating them, and I don’t like paying them.

I don’t like income taxes, payroll taxes or sales taxes.

The taxes I dislike the most are property taxes.

The idea that I can actually own something, like my house, and have to continue to pay taxes on it or the government can take it from me, I think, is crazy.

I get that some taxes may be necessary to run the government, but I still don’t like paying them.

Notwithstanding my dislike of taxes, I love Jesus, and because I love Jesus I pay my taxes. Continue reading “Some Kingdom Perspective On Taxes”

Why Did Manny Pacquiao Lose?

boxing-punchOn Saturday night, with 1 second left in the sixth round, Juan Martinez landed a wicked right that sent Manny Pacquiao face first into the canvas,dealing Pacquiao his second loss in a row. It was one of the biggest shockers in recent sports history,

Prior to his loss on June 9, 2012, against Timothy Bradley, Pacquiao was 54-3-2, and had not lost in more than seven years.

A few months prior to his fight with Bradley, Pacquiao became a Christian. His conversion appears genuine if one is to judge by the fruits of repentance.

But after losing two in a row, some, including Pacquiao’s Catholic mother, questioned whether Pacquiao’s conversion to Christianity (or as his mother said, “since the Protestant pastors came into his life“), contributed to is losses. I think Pacquiao’s mother may be correct, but for the wrong reason. Continue reading “Why Did Manny Pacquiao Lose?”

Why Our Troops Shouldn’t Urinate on the Enemy

U.S. Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, told our troops yesterday to stop urinating on the enemy.

Urinating on the enemy, said Panetta, is bad for morale and can compromise the mission through bad publicity.

I admire Secretary Panetta for calling the troops to a higher standard, but he did so for the wrong reason.

It won’t take our boys too much cogitating to figure out their conduct is only bad for morale and the mission if the media finds out. They will think, “So long as we keep it off Twitter, Facebook and out of the Los Angeles Times, we can have at it.” They will think this, and they will be dead wrong.

Continue reading “Why Our Troops Shouldn’t Urinate on the Enemy”

Roger Clemens’s Trial & Kingdom Law


Roger Clemens is returning to court on perjury charges after his first trial ended in a mistrial.

Opinions on whether Clemens should be prosecuted for perjury fall primarily into two groups.

There are those who think Clemens should be prosecuted not so much because of his alleged perjurious testimony but because they see him as a cheater who has sullied the MLB record books. They see the perjury trial as a way to punish him for his infidelity to professional baseball, not his oath.

Then there are those who see Clemens’s prosecution for perjury as a waste of time and taxpayers’ money. They either see perjury as a minor offense not worthy of the cost of prosecution or believe Clemens is being selectively prosecuted because of his fame.

Both groups are missing the real issue. Continue reading “Roger Clemens’s Trial & Kingdom Law”

A New View of Work: The Law of God

Law is always a reflection of its author.

I’m always struck with the foolishness of those who say, “You can’t legislate morality.” All law is moral.

All law represents somebody’s view of what is right or wrong, whether it is on an issue as arcane as how much a business should be regulated or as lofty as the issue of abortion. Law represents the rewarding of some type of conduct or the punishment of another or the valuing of one over the other.

With that premise in mind, a study of the Law of God is particularly interesting. While we might question the character or policy choices of our politicians, who will question God’s?

Perhaps the Lord’s most famous edict regarding work is this: Continue reading “A New View of Work: The Law of God”