Judah was a mess. The people had gone after pagan gods. Judah’s national security was at risk. Then came Jehoshaphat.
Jehoshaphat was a reformer, and one of the main means of reform he brought was his appointment of judges.
But it wasn’t just the appointment of judges that brought reform but the implementation of the instructions Jehoshaphat gave to them. See 2 Chron. 19:6-9. What is important to note is the job of a judge is essentially “secular,” and Jehoshaphat’s instructions are generally applicable to any non-ministry position.
The first thing Jehoshaphat told the judges, and what initially grabbed my attention from this passage was the instruction, “Consider what you are doing. . . .” (2 Chron. 19:6).
How many people go through the motions at their job, punching a time clock, collecting their pay, never considering the significance of what they are doing and how it fits into King Jesus’ plan for the earth? Don’t do that. Consider what it is you are doing. Jehoshaphat then follows with instructions that can be summarized as follows. Continue reading “Jehoshaphat’s Advice For Your Job”