Kevorkian Dead at 83

Dr. Death, also known as Jack Kevorkian, died Friday of a kidney related illness. The good doctor is reported to have successfully killed 130 of his patients between 1990 and 1999.

Kevorkian was once quoted as saying, “My intent was to carry out my duty as a doctor, to end their suffering. Unfortunately, that entailed, in their cases, ending of the life.”

While other doctors agreed that killing one’s patient was a sure way to end their suffering, they suggested attempting to heal as a better approach to the problem. Continue reading “Kevorkian Dead at 83”

The Conscience Of A Nation


I get the call once a year, and the script is always the same. Two days ago there was a twist.

When the American Bar Association called to ask me to join, I told them the same thing I’ve told them for the past twenty years: “I’m not going to be part of an organization that supports abortion.” That usually ends the conversation.

This year was different. The ABA representative replied, “The ABA supports the law, and the right to an abortion has been the law since Roe v. Wade.”

I said, “Oh really; so I guess the ABA would have supported slavery when it was the law?” Continue reading “The Conscience Of A Nation”

Book Review: Plan B by Pete Wilson

In his first book, Plan B, Nashville pastor, Pete Wilson, takes a swing at the always formidable problem of pain. Though it is his first time at bat, with Plan B, Wilson hits a home run.

In a voice that is both entertaining and reassuring, Wilson weaves his personal narrative together with Biblical examples to form a compelling basis for trusting in God in the midst of the personal pain and setbacks.

As the book’s title suggests, Wilson presents the problem of pain as the failure of life to go as we plan, that is, according to Plan A. That reality, unavoidable in a corrupt and fallen world, places us all at one time or another facing Plan B.

Wilson’s insight is born out of a confluence of his experience as a pastor and his knowledge of the Bible. He needn’t reason to a solution for the problem of pain because the credibility of his answers are supported by the authenticity of his experience and the authority of the Biblical examples he provides. Continue reading “Book Review: Plan B by Pete Wilson”

Back From The Re:create Cruise

O.K., I’ve been gone a while. I admit it. Let’s call it a sabbatical, even though it didn’t start out that way.

My absence turned out to be exactly thirty days, which is a nice round number, although that too was unintentional.

Where have I been? I was working 12 hour days at the office, working on a book idea in the evenings, and then went on the Re:create Cruise hosted by Randy Elrod.

The wife and I are veteran cruisers.  We have cruised the Mediterranean, Baltic, Black Sea, as well as the Rhine and Danube rivers, but this cruise was different.  We were part of a group of Christian writers and artists on a conference cruise devoted to the creative process. Continue reading “Back From The Re:create Cruise”

NY Times Says Sheen Has Demons

In a rare departure into the realm of the supernatural, the New York Times, the American rag of record, declared recently that Charlie Sheen has demons.

This startling revelation came after Sheen made a number of outrageous statements in interviews in response to CBS suspending production of his hit sitcom Two And A Half Men.

In the story, the NY Times stated that people who have worked with Sheen  note his “almost otherworldly degree of likability despite his demons.

The NY Times does not say how it determined Sheen has demons, but knowing the thoroughness of the typical Times reporter, GSB suspects there are least two independent sources. Continue reading “NY Times Says Sheen Has Demons”