As those who want to see the kingdom of God continue to expand on the earth, we must be able to answer the question presented in the title of this post.
As with most lofty matters, one must always start with the Bible. If one starts with reason, untethered to the Word of God, one can justify just about anything. If you want to see reason running amok on a daily basis just tune into the popular prime time hosts on MSNBC or Fox News.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: But when a wicked man rules, the people groan.
Proverbs 29:2
If there is any doubt about whether the Lord values righteousness and ethics in political leaders, one only need read the Biblical accounts of the kings of Israel. Even a cursory review reveals the Lord generally blessed righteous rulers and judged the wicked.
As much as the world pretends otherwise, one cannot compartmentalize character from the rest of who we are. Our character informs our worldview and policies and is the basis for our conduct. We cannot be separated from who we are.
At the same time, is character enough to make a good political leader?
Continue reading “Should we Chose our Political Leaders based on Character or Competence?”