Why I Shouldn’t Be Able To Marry My Horse

The recent fad in our country is same-sex marriage. I say it’s a fad because there’s nothing new or progressive about dudes hooking up with dudes, but that’s not the point I want to make. There’s a problem with it that’s more fundamental.

I think if you ask most people why they support same-sex marriage, they will tell you people should be able to do what they want (some might add “as long as they are not hurting anyone else”).

People aren’t arguing that same-sex marriage is essential to the continuation of the human race or that it’s necessary to the existence of a healthy society or the preservation of the family. The reason given is that people should be able to do what they want. Continue reading “Why I Shouldn’t Be Able To Marry My Horse”

10 Things God Hates

God is a person, not in the sense He is a man (though He became one), but a person in that He has a personality.

There are things He loves and things He hates.

Now, if our highest calling is to become like Jesus–to be sanctified–then it’s imperative we know what He loves and what He hates and that His loves and hates become our loves and hates.


With that in mind, here are ten things God says He hates:

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Why Dualism Is A Destiny-Killer

Spiritual things are good.  Earthly things are bad.  Right?  Wrong.

And not only wrong, but dangerously wrong.  This is popularly called dualism, this idea that the spiritual things are sacred and natural things profane.  It’s easy to slip into if you are a Christian, and the fall can be devastating to your destiny.

The danger with dualism is it induces Christians to withdraw from the world.  If earthly things are unholy, then Christians are better off just staying in their churches and prayer meetings and not getting involved in the world, lest they be corrupted by it.

This leads to a self-fulfilling prophecy because when the yeast is removed from the dough it falls.  When the salt is removed, the food has no flavor.   When the light is removed, only darkness remains. Continue reading “Why Dualism Is A Destiny-Killer”

Are You Really An Absolutist?

If you are a Christian, I have a question for you: Are you an absolutist?

Don’t answer yet because I have another question for you first: Is it ever moral for a Christian to lie?

If your answer is “No,” you are an absolutist, but you have a problem because the Bible suggests that sometimes lying is not only moral but a heroic act of faith.

I’m referring, of course, to the story of Rahab. (Joshua 2; Joshua 6:17; Hebrews 11:31; James 2:25).

What if a loved one had a heart attack and you were rushing him or her to the emergency room. Every minute counts. Do you run the red light? If you are an absolutist you have a problem. If you are a “graded absolutist,” no problem. Continue reading “Are You Really An Absolutist?”

3 Things I Learned From Athletics

There is much talk in the U.S. about the importance of athletics and specifically how it builds character.

Having played organized basketball from the time I was 7 years old and received a basketball scholarship in college, I thought I might share with you three things I learned from organized athletics.

1.     Winning is everything. I learned this early on. The trophies went to the teams that won, and the coaches repeatedly reminded us winning was the most important thing, or as some would say, “Winning is not the most important thing; it’s the only thing,” which I think was another way of saying winning was the most important thing. I also learned this from watching college athletics. Coaches that lost got fired and the coaches who won got better jobs and more money, even the coaches whose players didn’t graduate and got in trouble with the law.

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