My Christmas Rant

Okay, I’ve tried to avoid doing this.

I don’t want to be that guy who uses his blog to air his pet peeves…you know, Andy Rooney with an iPad.

But this has to stop, and I feel responsible to do my part to stop it.

I’m speaking, of course, of the secularization of Christmas music.

It’s been around for quite a while but was only nipping at our nose; now it seems it’s all up in our face and threatening to take down what little is left of the sacred in Christmas tunes.

Continue reading “My Christmas Rant”

The Problem With Parades

Look, I know it’s Thanksgiving, and I should be reminding you of all the things for which you should be thankful, but I’m fixated on something else.

Will someone explain to me what is with parades? Apparently I’m just weird because people line the streets to see them, and are glued to their televisions to watch them.

We’ll see this phenomenon again today with Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. I’m all for being thankful to God; I just don’t get the parade thing.

I can only remember going to one parade–the Persimmon Parade, in Bedford, Indiana, when I was ten years old. The only thing I remember is wondering what a persimmon was and why it merited a parade.  I decided to look into it–parades, not persimmons–and here is what I found. Continue reading “The Problem With Parades”

3 Things I Learned About Myself In Alaska

Signpost in Fairbanks

I’m sitting in the airport in Fairbanks, Alaska, preparing to start my journey back to civilization.

During my time here I’ve blogged about some of my observations of people and places in Alaska.

Like most of our vacations, it has been a time of discovery, which suits my learner theme.

It’s also been a time of self-discovery. Here are three things I’ve learned about myself on our Alaska adventure. Continue reading “3 Things I Learned About Myself In Alaska”

Why I Shouldn’t Be Able To Marry My Horse

The recent fad in our country is same-sex marriage. I say it’s a fad because there’s nothing new or progressive about dudes hooking up with dudes, but that’s not the point I want to make. There’s a problem with it that’s more fundamental.

I think if you ask most people why they support same-sex marriage, they will tell you people should be able to do what they want (some might add “as long as they are not hurting anyone else”).

People aren’t arguing that same-sex marriage is essential to the continuation of the human race or that it’s necessary to the existence of a healthy society or the preservation of the family. The reason given is that people should be able to do what they want. Continue reading “Why I Shouldn’t Be Able To Marry My Horse”

Kevorkian Dead at 83

Dr. Death, also known as Jack Kevorkian, died Friday of a kidney related illness. The good doctor is reported to have successfully killed 130 of his patients between 1990 and 1999.

Kevorkian was once quoted as saying, “My intent was to carry out my duty as a doctor, to end their suffering. Unfortunately, that entailed, in their cases, ending of the life.”

While other doctors agreed that killing one’s patient was a sure way to end their suffering, they suggested attempting to heal as a better approach to the problem. Continue reading “Kevorkian Dead at 83”