Roger Clemens’s Trial & Kingdom Law


Roger Clemens is returning to court on perjury charges after his first trial ended in a mistrial.

Opinions on whether Clemens should be prosecuted for perjury fall primarily into two groups.

There are those who think Clemens should be prosecuted not so much because of his alleged perjurious testimony but because they see him as a cheater who has sullied the MLB record books. They see the perjury trial as a way to punish him for his infidelity to professional baseball, not his oath.

Then there are those who see Clemens’s prosecution for perjury as a waste of time and taxpayers’ money. They either see perjury as a minor offense not worthy of the cost of prosecution or believe Clemens is being selectively prosecuted because of his fame.

Both groups are missing the real issue. Continue reading “Roger Clemens’s Trial & Kingdom Law”

What May Have Killed Whitney Houston

There has been much speculation as to what killed Whitney Houston.

It looks like we are probably headed toward a conclusion that the direct cause was a lethal mix of prescription drugs and alcohol.

If that turns out to be true, it may only be part of the cause. The other is an absence of true Christian community.

I was late to the game in understanding the importance of Christian community. As the iconic tough guy and master of all things masculine, Pee Wee Herman, once said, “I’m a loner Dottie.” Continue reading “What May Have Killed Whitney Houston”

Long Crowned King, Then Abdicates

For those of you who haven’t heard, I’m sorry to say Eddie Long is back in the news.

The last we heard of him the good bishop was settling lawsuits with four young men who claimed Long had coerced them into sexual relationships.

More recently, it was reported Long participated in a ceremony where a Jewish rabbi wrapped him in a Torah scroll, declared him a king and carried him around on a throne in front of his congregation. Continue reading “Long Crowned King, Then Abdicates”

2 Thoughts From Yesterday’s NPB

I blogged yesterday on the National Prayer Breakfast, which I had the privilege to attend.

But I had two more thoughts I wanted to mention from the event.

The first was Eric Metaxes’s theme that there is a difference between being phony religious and knowing Jesus.

Metaxes told of his journey and how he rejected Christianity in college. He realized later what he rejected was the hypocrisy and judgmental moralism of phony religious people, not true Christianity.

Metaxes rightly noted that Jesus was the enemy of phony religion. That’s why Jesus was so tough on the Pharisees and so beloved by sinners. This is a great point to remember when sharing the Gospel with non-Christians. Continue reading “2 Thoughts From Yesterday’s NPB”

This Week @ GSB

This should be an interesting week.

The wife and I were invited to the National Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C., scheduled for February 2, 2012.

We are leaving for Washington Wednesday to attend a related event and will be staying through the week to see the sights.

So, my plan for the week is to blog on politics and the breakfast and to tweet @kingdomtweets throughout the week.

I will not be presenting you a partisan perspective. That stuff comes a dime a dozen and is stale as a 3-day old doughnut.

Continue reading “This Week @ GSB”